Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Tuesday May 2nd at 4:09 PM

Bruce Schneier is definitely one of my heroes. I'm a big fan. I've read two of his books; Beyond Fear, Secrets and Lies, and I read as much of my Crypto-Gram subscription as I can. But I'm busy and time is something that I don't have much of. I tend to sit and write these blog notes as an outlet, late at night. It feels good to purge all that noise.

Anyway, back to Bruce. The last mailing had a very strange contest. He was calling on people to submit stories regarding terrorism. I'm not sure I understand the reason, if there was one, but what shocked me was the responses. From the very silly to some where people actually took the time to sit and think about this. I'm sure movie directors are currently pouring through the blog searching for inspiration.

Check out his weblog at: http://www.schneier.com/blog/.

You can go directly to the issue of Crypto-Gram with the contest (and the results) at: http://www.schneier.com/crypto-gram-0604.html

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