Friday, May 12, 2006

Taking responsibility

You are singularly responsible for the things you do and the things you say. Our actions are intertwined with the words we speak, affecting those that hear them, or those that read them. It is said that our lives are all connected and that there exists an unconscious experience that develops from our connections with each other.

We're not all good. Some of us are bad, really bad. Some of us are mildly bad and some of us seem invisible. Like the music in a movie, they form the background around which our lives revolve. But the music is still important. It allows you to experience the movie in a richer, more fulfilling way.

From the time we are born, we begin to affect everyone around us. We continue on through life trying to justify exactly why it is we are here. What is the purpose of all this? Why the struggle, or the numb existence? Are we just passengers and who's driving this train anyway?

King Solomon in Ecclesiastes declares that all is vain, futile. Existence is nothing more than futile being. What do we get at the end of the journey? How are we to enjoy the spoils of our labour? Even though it seems futile, it does end up in a positive note, telling us all to respect our neighbour and to enjoy the sweat that comes from labouring.

So I guess one must continue to be strong, educated, hard working and kind. Spending time to enjoy relationships and taking care of the gifts that they've been granted, because, after all, those things will all come to pass, and the talents you have today will expire.

Be good.

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