Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Mother Earth

In the summer, the sun is hot. In the winter the sun is cold. Even though the skies are clear and blue, and the rays shine bright, it's hot and then again it's cold. The earth tilts this way and that way. Circling around the sun. Wildly, unconsciously. Trying to get closer. I think they call it centrifugal. This rare combination of mass and distance has created a climate to sustain us. Are we alone on this wild trip? I highly doubt it.

God sits above, looking down. He sees all and acknowledges his works. He has created mars and put on it some bare rocks, so it seems. He has created mercury, filled with heat and sulphur. He has created earth, green and blue. It was not always this way. We were barren and fiery once. Nothing moved. Not a solitary ant. But here we are today, filled with arrogance and defiance. We are it. Nothing is better than us.

Our time will pass.

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