Friday, August 14, 2015

The Power of the Story

The Story.

Before writing there was sound. Pictures painted in the mind. With voices. With actions. The story was acted out by the actor. The actor acted. And the story was transferred from the actor to the listener.

But the story was more than just a means of information. The story was entertainment. Listening to the story and watching the story, we became engaged. We became a part of the story and so lived in the world of the storyteller.

The story has never left us. We live for the story. Without the story our humanity would not exist. We live for the story. We are only about the story. Because the story inspires. The story allows us to reach higher goals. To walk on the moon. To build hovercrafts. To create medicines that heal and medicines that strengthen. The story encourages us to wake up each morning and drive through the day inspired that we matter. The story creates and then recreates us. And so we need to be reminded of the story every day. So that we can rewrite it. Every day. Every moment. We sculpt our story every single moment. And review it and change it.

I'm listening to my mind telling me that tomorrow will bring the same things that today brought. That tomorrow will be a repeat of today. But that's not what I want. I don't want familiarity. I don't want the same story. I want a new one. But if I'm the author of my own story, then I cannot write it until its done. I cannot write that story until it unfolds. Only then can I see what the story was. A contradiction. Not so.

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