Friday, August 14, 2015

Back to posting

Been a long time
Since you touched me
And made me feel that wonderful glow
The way you do
Been a long time
Since you held me and squeezed me
So I wonder what's come over you
                                             --- Ashford & Simpson

The last time I posted on this blog was a while back. That's because the holidays were here and I threw myself into spending time with family. I'm borderline workaholic and the change of pace was good.

So far, August 2015, there have been only 6 posts for the year. You cannot call yourself a blogger with an average of a single post a year. And most of them in May.

But we're back with a commitment to make up for the lost time. There have been a lot of lessons learned, stuff read, experiences had and much to say. I'm 50 now (since December 2014) and perhaps the fright of the big five-o somewhat got to me.

I've been watching a lot of documentaries while working. I watched Lance Armstrong's fall from grace. And I understand. I watched Mike Tyson's fall from grace. And this one's a little harder to understand. I watched a couple of documentaries on vegetable juice diets. Interesting, but I see health risks with those. And I've continued to run. If there's anywhere I find complete solace, it's at 4k mark.

This post wasn't supposed to be inspiring, but just a way to get back onto the keyboard and write.

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