Sunday, August 16, 2015

It's not about getting from here to there, it's about being there

We talked about running today. How running, for some is not just an activity to do, to get healthy, to reach somewhere, but a lifestyle choice. A way of living. And I thought about that while I was running this morning. A snow storm was brewing and getting out was so nice and easy. I've developed this very enjoyable gait, it's slow and comfortable and I can think and not feel tired.

And I felt the snow crunching under my feet and all I could think about was how good this felt. How wonderful this was. Yet the storm was starting to blow and there was water on my face as the huge snowflakes melted on my warm face. I was wearing my spikes and so wasn't too concerned about slipping. My steps felt just as good as if I had been running on the dry pavement.

And as I turned around into another corner, down a street still fast asleep, quiet, dark and lit only by the street lights, I finally came to the conclusion, it hit me like a brick, that this is what I wanted to do. I got up well, I was feeling good, and for the first time in a really long time, I felt as though I never wanted this run to ever end.

About an hour later I changed my mind, but the point is that I know, finally, that I will never struggle to get outside and run, ever again. It's what I do.

It's not about getting from here to there, it's about being there.

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