Saturday, August 16, 2014

Saturday's Run

I've been suffering from a sore instep on my left foot. The pain starts from just below the ankle, on the inside, to a point on the instep, but not directly under the foot.

It really hurts.

So I took a week off running, but even by the end of the week, the improvement was marginal. Still hobbling about, treading very gingerly on that foot.

But I've started running again. I start very slowly since it still hurts, but by the end of the first kilometer I'm not limping along. I'm still favoring that foot, but I'm striding and not thinking too much about it.

A couple of runs ago I wasn't able to do my regular 16.5 K route, but I'm back on track.

I suspect that in about a week from now I'll be back on track. I've got some strange, but potent, balm rub on the foot and ice. I think the ice is doing about 80% of the work and the balm is there for the 20% placebo encouragement. I've always been suspicious of balms and creams that aim to get rid of pain. I'm more of the "ingest medicine" type.

But if my Garmin watch is correct, some of the laps I did today were right on target at getting back to my old self.

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