Sunday, August 17, 2014

Forwards ever, backwards never.

I was chatting with a friend over lunch, just chatting. About how times have passed. It was only fifteen years ago, a time I remember like it was just yesterday, that we were running about, trying not to waste precious time. Things were chaotic, and we needed to get stuff done.

And stuff got done.

And now we're here, sitting having lunch and wondering what happened to all that stuff we got done. Is this how we want to be remembered?

To my friend, it was nostalgic to look back and think of times past, times that will never come back again. Wonder about the good things that are lost and comparing them with the confusion around us today.

For me it was the absolute opposite. I'd never want to go back to those days again. Not that they weren't good, but that the experience was had. Life was lived. Loves were lost. Opportunities were squandered. And I moved on. I'm here today because of the life that I've lived. If I were to go back to re-live it again, I'd end up right where I am right now.

So how many times do I need to go around? Only once.

But I do understand what my friend was saying. That this world isn't ours any more. Our world is gone. The world where we were free and loved to breath every single thing. We loved running and hanging out and living life without feeling that there was an end. Life had absolutely no end. Things were going to go on and on and on forever.

But now we see that they won't. And we're slightly sad that things will end.

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