Sunday, May 04, 2008

Ubuntu Issues

Ubuntu has a bug with dates set before 1970. The system will boot fine and you'll get to the gdm login screen, but when you type in your username and password, then press enter, you'll be left with a brown screen.

The fix is simple. Simply set the right date.

Once you get to the brown screen, press CTRL+ALT+F1. This will take you to a terminal. Once at the terminal, log in normally with your username and password. Just as you did in gdm.

Type the command: date to check the system date.

To set the date, you can type in something like the following:

date -s "Mon May 12 13:12:00 EST 2008"

This sets the date to Monday May, 12th at 1:12 PM in the correct time zone.

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