Sunday, December 02, 2007

Birthday Greetings

Yes, it's my birthday today. 43 years and still alive, who would have thought? Given the dangerous lifestyle, risk taking, walking and running in the middle of the night in questionable neighbourhoods. We're lucky to be here.

But does this mean that we'll slow down and slide quietly into second base? (I hear that first base is passing 30, and second base is making it to 50, well actually I made that up). Time to get into fourth gear. Rev the engine and push onwards.

What special things do we plan for year 44? (Because it is year 44. The whole birthday thing is a misnomer. When you're born you are zero years old. On your first birthday, you turn 1 year old which means you have completed one year and so on your first birthday, you actually enter year two. And so on and so forth). Year 44, we plan to write a novel. 1 page a day, 365 days, should be a 365-page novel. Or perhaps, in four months, 2 pages a day, that will be, let's see thirty times four times two is 240. 240-pages.

So today will be a day of quiet reflection. Of stock taking. A day to look back but not go back. To contemplate on lessons learnt. To remember that we are not alone but our lives are intertwined with the lives of so many others. And that we make a difference in the words we speak. In the way we act and the things we do. We make a difference and add value if we care to.

So, happy birthday to me. Health, wealth, success and blessings for year 44 and for many more to come.

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