Sunday, March 12, 2006

SuSE Linux

This is the distro to beat now. It's quite amazing what happens to a Linux distribution once a real company with real money gets behind it. That's probably why Red Hat decided that a completely free offering was not economically viable. Once a big company, like Novell, or IBM or even Corel gets behind a linux product with money and resources (people), then amazing things can happen.

This, I believe, is what has happened to SuSE. I've always been a Slackware/Red Hat user. In the office we're all Windows, but we have our specialized linux installations for simple things like FTP or SAMBA.

Installing SuSE is very easy. Download SuSE Linux from their main site at Yes, it's in Germany. However, you may get a redirect to Novell at this link. Burn the downloaded CDs and boot from the first one. Follow the prompts to install SuSE linux. It's as easy as any mature operating system like MS Windows, AIX, Mac OS, Solaris which have amazing financial backing. I'm amazed that SuSE supported by unpaid developers is able to provide such an amazing product. Now with Novell's teeth behind them, this is an unstoppable beast.

I reccommend using KDE ( Not that I don't like Gnome, but if you're coming from a MS Windows background, you'll find KDE easier to use.

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