Monday, January 01, 2024

Happy New Year 2024!


HAPPY NEW YEAR. Well, we're done with 2023, and not soon enough. From a blogging perspective, not much was written. Either procrastination or something else. I don't know.

But on a good note, here we are, on day 1, and actually writing something.

Let's take stock.

  • Turned 59.
  • Learned that meditation, deep breathing, is very important.
  • That sugar is bad, in all forms.
  • Work and play can be the same thing.
  • I take things too seriously.
  • People are disappointed when you say NO, but that's OK.
  • Not everything you do will be right, and that's also OK.
  • Farming is both an art and a science.
  • The office is not a desk. It's this iPad. It's my motorbike. It's the coffee shop.
  • Music is the most important thing that I have.
  • I love technology, really love tech, and that's also OK.
I also learned that if I don't make decisions, then others will make those decisions for me. And that it's tough to be a leader.

Finally, most people claim to know, but don't. They're just struggling to figure things out, like everyone else. Just that some are real bullies (the high school kind), including your own family.

Watch out, make 2024 great for yourself. 

Oh, that's right, I started with I turned 59, so it's about time to listen to my own voice.