Back on top of the game. Running smoothly and easily. At that point, about an hour out, feeling light, heady, smooth. The ground moves easily under you, looking straight ahead, you feel bouncy.
The runner's high comes in fits and starts. Surging from the ground upwards, through your legs, into your hips and pushing you upwards.
It's easy to block out the world, forget everything, remember nothing. Just sail along smoothly. You've done your homework. Your body feels smooth and light. Your legs easily manage your body.
But just like you rose up, and soared, you must get back down to earth. Maybe it's reaching the crest of that hill. Your legs feeling the Newton's gravitational constant acting on every fibre. Your toes pushing up. Your mind fighting that urge to slow down, to stop.
So you take a deep breath. Close your eyes momentarily, not for very long. Just to send a message down to your body that all is well. We're here with you. We need you to keep going. Let's pull together.
And your legs say "thank you!" "Thank you for thinking about us." "We won't let you down." "Let's soldier on!"